Collected poems, 1909-1962

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Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1967. 30-174. Post-Colonial Stages: Critical and Creative Views on Drama, Theatre and Performance. Writing Selves: Contemporary Feminist Autography. The humorous blocking characters of comedy are nearly always impostors, though it is more frequently a lack of self-knowledge than simple hypocrisy that characterizes them. Francis Klingender: from Marxism and Modern Art 1943. In his New Art of Making Comedies he carefully gives the rules for comedy according to the best practice of the ancients and the theories of the Italian critics.

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Classical Arabic Verse: History and Theory of Arud (Brill

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But poetry continually tends to right its own balance, to return to the pattern of desire and away from the conventional and moral. Black writes that some scholars tend "to press oracles or letters into elaborate rhetorical schemes of organization (from proem to epilogos),"148 as if those were the only correct way to analyze them. Post-structuralist and post-modernist critics however later rejected the idea that one can systematically study the structure of a literary work.

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Dialectic of Love: Platonism in Schiller's Aesthetics

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In Proust the repetitions of certain experiences at widely scattered intervals create these timeless moments out of time; in Finnegans Wake the whole of history itself is presented as a single gigantic anti-epiphany. Dante wrote in this mode, but not speculatively: he accepted the spiritual beings recognized by Christian doctrine, and concerns himself with no others. Why does Germany have nearly as many private art museums as the United States?

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Literature in the Age of Celestial Discovery: From

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History literature, which is concerned with themes, forms, techniques, genres, and metrics, is spread out internationally. After thoroughly discussing six component parts of tragedy, Aristotle concludes the Poetics by reflecting on the questions: • "Which is better genre of literature, tragedy or epic?" • “Which is the higher form of literature, tragedy or epic poetry?” The argument in favor of epic poetry is based on the principle that the higher art form is less vulgar and addressed toward a refined audience.

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Contemporary British Queer Performance (Performance

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Includes discussion of work on Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Gwendolyne Brooks, Frances Harper, Audre Lorde and Ntozake Shange. A decisive gesture encapsulates Kyle’s misguided force of forward direction. This is a sentiment that has been given powerful and economic expression in phrases like "anyplace, anytime" access or learning for "anyone, anywhere, anytime." Consequently the overwhelming experience of film criticism on the part of consumers has been that provided by local and national actors.

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Reading the Early Modern Dream: The Terrors of the Night

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For if all texts stand in relation to ideology then what possibility is there of developing a revolutionary alternative? Devika Kapadia’s piece (page 42) examines how modern Hindutva mythol­ogy governs interpretations of sacred mythical texts. Afro-Caribbean and African writers—Aime Cesaire, Frantz Fanon, Chinua Achebe—have made significant early contributions to the theory and practice of ethnic criticism that explores the traditions, sometimes suppressed or underground, of ethnic literary activity while providing a critique of representations of ethnic identity as found within the majority culture.

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Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblical Interpretation,

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He gives us his intuition of certain distinctive and essential qualities.” This ‘more’, this intuition and perception is the aim of the artist. Next he tells us that he has taken the pat- terns of manners from courts and camps. Superhero movies also construct appealing fantasy scenarios, often starring unlikely or reluctant male heroes reminiscent of Frodo and Harry. Though, as everybody well knew, the doctor had forbidden her to lift so much as a pin” (27). The high mimetic period brings in a society more strongly established around the court and capital city, and a centripetal perspective replaces the centrifugal one of romance.

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Main currents in nineteenth century literature Volume 2

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In their historical vision, the entrepreneur rescued Europe from the poverty of the Middle Ages. (This vision was shared by Karl Marx, who admired the cultural dynamism of the free market). Sometimes, stories provide an outlet for emotions or help patients process their feelings, and responses can also provide insights into topics that might bear fruit if subjected to psychoanalysis. A race theorist will examine texts for racial stereotypes, themes of ineqalities based on race or ethnicity, and racial identity and affiliation.

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Jacques Lacan: Psychoanalysis and the Subject of Literature

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The satirist brings up these in convenient data, sometimes in the form of alternative and equally plausible theories, like the Erewhonian treatment of crime and disease or Swift's demonstration of the mechanical operation of spirit. [229] The central theme in the second or quixotic phase of satire, then, is the setting of ideas and generalizations and theories and dogmas over against the life they are supposed to explain. From this point of view, the devil is no longer upright, but standing on his head, in the same attitude in which he was hurled downward from heaven upon the other side of the earth.

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The Complete Poems of Heinrich Heine: A Modern English

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These emotions are made into a poem with the help of images of those things in nature which aroused the poet's emotions in the first place. In the emptying out of the self something is glimpsed that can't be emptied out", Kevin Hart, Salt 10, p.261 "The radical indentations [in "Tintern Abbey"] let space into the verse column at irregular interval, signaling the abrupt discontinuities and shifts associated with the Romantic ode", Stephen Cushman, "William Carlos Williams and the Meanings of Measure", Yale, p.57 "Spacing in poetry is nothing to do with space and everything to do with time", John Fuller, "Who Is Ozymandias? and other puzzles in poetry", Chatto and Windus, 2011, p.22 "In 2012, The Folio Society released an edition, limited to 1480 copies, of The Sound and the Fury.

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