Far From Equilibrium

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

Size: 13.22 MB

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You can use PowerShow.com to find and download example online PowerPoint ppt presentations on just about any topic you can imagine so you can learn how to improve your own slides and presentations for free. Here Benjamin advocates the need for the writer to critically engage in the redefinition of his means of production. Finally, Benhabib contributed to the clarification of the “universalist” trend by clarifying the significance of the Habermasian “dual-track” model, through the distinction between “moral” issues (universalism) proper of the institutional level and the “ethical” issues (pluralism) characterizing, instead, informal public deliberations.

Pages: 196

Publisher: Actar (February 1, 2008)

ISBN: 8496540642

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