North American Indian Music: A Guide to Published Sources

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Priv. print. 1870. 20p. 536 Steven's historical collection; cata- logue of the first portion of the ex- tensive & varied collections of rare books and manuscripts relating chiefly to the history and literature of America, com- prising the great collections of voyages & travels of De Bry (in Latin and Ger- man) Hulsius Thevenot Purchas and Hakluyt with early separate voyages of the Dutch, English and French naviga- tors.. ..

Pages: 472

Publisher: Routledge; annotated edition edition (March 1, 1997)

ISBN: 0815302320

This page was last modified on Sunday, 23-Mar-2014 15:09:37 EDT , e.g. Bolletino della cultura europea dal secolo VI al XIII, gen. ed. Claudio Leonardi (Spoleto, 1980- ). 016.9401 M469 CLR. Comprehensive coverage of medieval Latin authors and texts and related aspects of medieval culture (but therefore excluding works dealing with vernacular texts unless treating of Latin sources or connections (cf. the section "Rapporti con le culture non latine", and non-textual subjects such as daily life, archaeology and material culture, and art history (but iconography is covered) or music (but Latin treatises on music will be covered under "autori e testi") A check-list of extant Florida newspapers, 1845-1876. Catalog of the official publications of the Florida Agricultural experiment station and Florida Agricultural extension serv- ice, 1888-1937 ref.: Pp. xxxvi + 200; illus.; plans; portrait. Handbook for Research in American History: A Guide to Bibliographies and Other Reference Works. 2nd ed. Real, Hermann J., with Helgard Stöver-Leidig (comps.). "Recent Studies and Articles Received [at the Ehrenpreis Center for Swift Studies]." Swift Studies. [Regularly offered list of studies of Swift's contemporaries and culture, as in Vol. 7 (1992), 110-18; 8 (1993), 113-19; 9 (1994), 124-30; 10 (1995), 108-19; 11 (1996), 144-53; 12 (1997), 108-17.] "Recent Publications Relating to Canada."
choose checklist of references on Oklahoma , source: Anderson public sale Co. 1906. 72p. 4019 Bibliography of the struggle of 1812. Boston- ian Soc. proc. 1899. p57-64 4020 Bullard, Peter C. Bibliography of referen- ces in regards to the crusade of Chan- cellorsville. [Ft. The Command and normal employees university. 1936] 51p. typ. 4020a Grolier Club Boston. 1928- 1729 diplomacy courses to be had from a gaggle of yank or- ganizations. Boston. 1927. 71p. 1730 Wriston, Henry Merritt. In government brokers in American international family. Press. 1929. p572-618 1731 AFRICA Ashbee, Henry Spencer. A bibliography of Tunisia from the earliest instances to the tip of 1888 (in elements) together with Utica and Carthage, the Punic Wars, the Roman profession, the Arab con- quest, the expeditions of Louis IX and Charles V and the French protectorate , source: Derby [and] a bibliography of the courses when it comes to the geology of Ohio, except these of the kingdom geological survey, by means of Mary W. Index 112 Ohio legislation, general consultation, 87th basic As- sembly, January third to may perhaps eleventh, 1927. Heer. 1927. 47p. 7066 — — An index to all of the legislation and resolutions of the kingdom of Ohio; together with the legislation followed and enacted via the governor and judges and the Ter- ritorial legislature, from the start- ment of the territorial executive to the 12 months 1844-45, inclusive
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