Pardons: Justice, Mercy, and the Public Interest

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Language: English

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To get freedom from misery, the noble path of virtue—Sadachara—is to be followed. See “Major Anxiety: If You Think Biochemistry is Your Ticket to Medical School, Think Again" Sept. 2000). After all, any sensible theory of the promotion of human excellence must make space for autonomy; space for choosing and learning to choose valuable ends. Consequently, their respective purposes being effected, the connection between them terminates.

Pages: 271

Publisher: Oxford University Press; First Printing edition (June 15, 1989)

ISBN: 0195058712

To eradicate egoism arising out of Deha-Abhimana (body-idea), think constantly on the foulness and perishability of the body and the pains arising out of the senses. Reject them as evil and mentally rise above them. Dwell upon that which is desirable, elevating and divine As a philosophy student, I was encouraged to critically analyze complex quandaries that are, generally speaking, without a certain, final answer. Arguments in favor of a particular view require not only compelling reasons for that view, but respectful and critical analysis of other views. As a part of my philosophy education, I was exposed to professors and other students who challenged me to develop my confidence and ability to articulate such rational justifications In the main, the civilians were in the broad tradition of natural-law thinking; jus flows from justitia, although it must always fall short of perfect justice, which is God's alone. Irnerius (c. 1050–c. 1130) thus claimed that statutes ought to be interpreted in the light of equity. Strict law requires that all agreements be kept, but equity allows exceptions to the rule Normativity in Legal Sociology: Methodological Reflections on Law and Regulation in Late Modernity.
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