A Christian Library: Volume 14 (John Wesley's Christian

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Also the Bible is very clear that the old priesthood has passed away, Hebrews 7:12 states “When there is a change in priesthood, there must also be a change in the law.” So the old priesthood has been changed, and hence the law that defined it has been changed too. On the contrary, Jesus stepped to the forefront, cast a vision, rebuked the legalists, and firmly corrected the disciples throughout His ministry. Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve.

Pages: 327

Publisher: Graceworks Multimedia (September 11, 2011)


In the document of secession, the old church {23} leaders are harshly criticized for their own lifestyle as well as for their inability to discipline erring members. 7 The elders of the old church in turn applied very harsh measures against the secessionists. The initial group of secessionists did not include any ordained leaders or persons who had held religious office. 8 A number of them appear to have come from the ranks of the teachers, although they were obviously without theological training download. Leader to Leader Institute - Mission is to strengthen leaders in the social sector. MovieMinistry - Provides resources, sermon illustrations, bible studies, film-talk cards and more to assist Pastors, Youth and Lay Leaders in using the power of film to communicate and discuss our relationships with God Sermonspice - A good site for gathering sermon media for Pastors and Christian Communicators with a searchable library and downloadable media , e.g. home-investments.com. The King James translation of Philppians 1:1 speaks of "all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons." There in brief is the properly structured local church — the saints (all the believers), among whom are the bishops and deacons. Plural "bishops" (the elders in their oversight roles), plus deacons. • The elder is to be diligent to watch, to look upon, the flock and to know its condition read online. It is no wonder that God is so intent upon recapturing them. Therefore, we must seek to understand the imagination biblically, that is, Christ-centeredly. The imagination is the bridge between the heart and the mind, integrating both, allowing us to think/understand with our hearts and feel/emote with our minds , source: download pdf.
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