Atlantis: An Interpretation

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Language: English

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She would not accept silence and oblivion, but into the holiest ritual [the initiation rites of the Isis mysteries?] she introduced symbols and representations of her former su√erings. In the months immediately after World War II (1939-45), Parsons began a set of independent magical operations that would become known collectively as the Babalon Workings. Aaron is committed to the development and distribution of highly disruptive information. The Illuminati Sisters of Light alters rarely appear in therapy because they are used in horrendous Masonic rituals, and must be buried very deep in the system.

Pages: 42

Publisher: Philosophical Research Society; 2nd edition (January 1, 1976)

ISBN: 0893143758

This book is revered by occult groups across the globe, and most masons have never read it, let alone understood it. It deals with the occult origins of the symbols, initiations, and rituals of Freemasonry. is typically only giving to Master Masons I adjure you in the name of him who dwells in Jerusalem, the pure [city], for whom and near whom the inextinguishable fire burns for all eternity, through his holy name ‘‘iaeobaphrenemoun’’ [formula], before whom the hellfire trembles and flames leap all around, and iron explodes, and every mountain is seized by fear from the depth of its foundations read book. P Blavatsky: "There are not in the West half-a dozen among the fervent hundreds who call themselves 'Occultists,' who have even an approximately correct idea of the nature of the Science they seek to master This is a backdoor approach to destroy godliness that is carried out on children in general.) 39.5 min Radin notes that “the concept that mind is primary over matter is deeply rooted in Eastern philosophy and ancient beliefs about magic.” However, instead of saying that it is now time to move forward, he rebuffs “Western science” for rejecting such beliefs as “mere superstition.” Magical thinking, he says, "lies close beneath the veneer of the sophisticated modern mind" (293)
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