Camille Saint-Saens: A Guide to Research (Routledge Music

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XV. pt. 2. p88-102. 1922 (Also reprinted) 6093 Bibliography of Illinois medical history. Originally it included deposited manuscripts, dissertations and published materials that did not get into the main series because of time constraints. Oct. 5, 1939. 50p. typ. 5620a TERRITORIES, POSSESSIONS, DEPENDENCIES 295 MISCELLANEOUS Guam museum notes. In- ventory of federal archives in the states. Paris. 1831 465a GENERAL AIDS 27 Bibliotheca Americana; or, a chronological catalogue of the most curious and inter- esting books, pamphlets, state papers, etc. upon the subject of North and South America, from the earliest period to the present, in print and manuscript ....

Pages: 226

Publisher: Routledge (March 1, 2004)


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