Dancing with Nature

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Predators generally do not experience problems with diet quality because most animal matter is nutritionally complete and easy to digest. Many biologists, including Darwin, once believed that species responded to temperature changes as a group, thus preserving their relationships to one another. And suburban America is where Doug Tallamy aims the passionate arguments for natives and their accompanying wildlife contained in his wonderful book." "An informative and engaging account of the ecological interactions between plants and wildlife, this fascinating handbook explains why exotic plants can hinder and confuse native creatures, from birds and bees to larger fauna." "This book will not only foster a love of the outdoors in all who read it, but also create a deeper understanding and appreciation of the intricate web of wildlife outside your door." "You can look at this book as a manifesto explaining why we should favor native plants, but it's much more than that.

Pages: 120

Publisher: Xlibris (October 1, 2013)


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