Dangerous Planet: Natural Disasters That Changed History

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No one in the scientific community will know about, or place much confidence in, a piece of scientific research until it is published in a peer-reviewed journal. Ventrifacts are wind-eroded rocks found in the McMurdo Dry Valleys. The difference is that when it is a tsunami the waves are much larger. Large-scale weather patterns tend to converge on that area, making tornadoes more likely. Modified Mercalli scale: A scale used to compare earthquakes based on the effects they cause.

Pages: 48

Publisher: Crown Books for Young Readers (November 28, 2012)


There is no natural process that would produce completely flat continents (which are actually mountains raised thousands of feet above the sea floor). Besides, a completely flat continent would experience flooding, since there would be no effective way to drain the land after a storm. From an aesthetic viewpoint, the world would be quite boring without mountains (with apologies to those of you who live in Iowa or Florida) ref.: click for free. We connected this lesson to a real-world situation by watching news clips of Hurricane Katrina and looked at that area from a bird’s eye view using Google Earth , e.g. http://www.utv5150.com/lib/toxic-skies-cloud-seeding-geoengineering-and-weather-modification. Assignment on ⊸ “Natural Disasters, & its causes & effects”⊸ Diploma in Networking By: Alam Abbas ID: 000027586... Tutors’ name: Fathimath Mohamed Contents Introduction Define Natural Disasters Natural disasters causes & its effects Conclusion Reference Thank you Introduction Natural Disasters is meant by natural event such as a flood, earthquake, or hurricane that causes great damage or loss of life , cited: paragonvanlines.net. By the time the fire burned out air, land and water were polluted. According to Greenpeace the earthquake caused cracks in the Petkim waste dump, exposing chemical waste that was dumped there for years. A PVC factory, waste treatment plant and incinerator were also damaged. Fortunately, despite all these events of pollution damages to the environment were limited by the cleanup operation ref.: Agent-Based Simulation of Vulnerability Dynamics: A Case Study of the German North Sea Coast.
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