Dead At His Desk

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To say any more will do you a huge disservice. Kennedy Jr was a character in a play, a character in a story, just the way Sherlock Holmes was. The point of the book is to horrify or scare the reader. What Should I Read Next?: Social Issues (Tulsa City-County Library, OK): Provides authors, titles, and webcat links for books in these categories: Life Changes, Life Choices, Life Happens, Life in Society, and Life in the World. An obvious example is provided by George Lucas’s six Star Wars films, each set a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Pages: 209


Though doubtless there were other factors at work, this formula has been credited with the successful revival of historical fiction in the past few decades. This is no small feat for a genre which, before that time, had been declared terminally ill by some , e.g. I was drowsing, falling into weightlessness. (Interview, p. 27) As American culture's relationship with psychological theory developed, vampires became more complex. Ricean vampires are the best example of the complexity that has developed within the genre over the last twenty-five years As we move to the present, we see that Political Correctness has gripped a number of authors One way publishers are adapting is by reaching new audiences; for secular houses that means acquiring Christian fiction imprints and buying titles specifically designed to appeal to value-driven readers The Ovary Wars. This link is to a search for "history" and has almost 95,000 free ebooks Butler credits technology with propelling the New Adult trend: "The e-book revolution pushed (New Adult) into the readers' hands," she says. Armentrout's new publisher Liate Stehlik notes that with e-books and self-publishing, "things happen so much more quickly." When a mainstream publisher acquires a successful self-published author such as Armentrout, "You have the momentum. Fans of the category are discovering authors like Armentrout digitally."
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