Dialogue Issues: Summer 2012

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Western Europe was in the middle of what is deemed the Renaissance, a time of philosophical and theological regeneration. It is often considered Restorationist, because Mormons believe their church is “restoring” Christianity to its original form before it fell into “apostasy.” To learn more about Mormonism, read findingDulcinea’s Mormonism Web Guide. At 10/7/11 11:20 PM, djack wrote: All of the groups that fit within the LDS Church (which isn't just Mormons although they are one of the largest and best known of the groups) follow Joseph Smith so that part of my post is still completely valid.

Pages: 251

Publisher: Dialogue Journal (July 1, 2012)


Therefore, Sundar from a young age shared some of the same basic religious beliefs of Jews, Christians and Moslems. Moreover, Sikhism emphasizes the divinity of the holy teacher or "guru" - which made it easy for Sundar to later accept the Christian doctrine of "Jesus" as the "divine incarnation of God." Konkanworld.com will not be responsible for any defamatory message posted under this article. Please note that under 66A of the IT Act, sending offensive or menacing messages through electronic communication service and sending false messages to cheat, mislead or deceive people or to cause annoyance to them is punishable , source: vancouverceilingrepair.com. Christ established a particular leadership structure in His church, and this structure was to help unify the people within the church and to help avoid confusion on who was responsible for what components of the various roles within the church http://dialysiswashout.net/lib/safe-passage. Martin's Press, 1996. © The Oxford Companion to British History 2002, originally published by Oxford University Press 2002. protestantism. The term originated with the protest of the reforming minority at the diet of Spires in 1529 against the catholic majority. As a general description of the anti-catholic position, it was adopted with some caution: several of the churches into which the new movement dissolved were strongly opposed to each other, while conservatives were not anxious to stress the role of individual conscience in religious matters , e.g. http://home-investments.com/library/dialogue-classic-articles-home-and-adventure-an-lds-contribution-to-the-virtues-and-vices.
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