Eallra hālgena ǣfen: All Saints' Evening

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Language: English

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Oh, yeah, and make sure your black sweater is frayed in all the right places. Livia Llewellyn “The Mysteries,” Nightmare Carnival. You may get on better with some of the later stories in the Oxford anthology. We are looking for submissions to our quarterly themed anthologies. Please notify immediately if your submission is placed elsewhere. Note that some publishers list multiple guidelines on one page, so after you click through you might have to scroll a bit. [Note that Ghosts on Drugs has pushed its deadline to 1 May, so if you were thinking of subbing to it but 1 March came and went, you have few more weeks.] 31 March 2016 — All the King’s Men — ed.

Pages: 113

Publisher: Hammer & Anvil Books (November 21, 2014)


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