Early Soviet Postmodernism (Slavische Literaturen)

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Language: English

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This material is made to reach an adult audience” (p. 122). A quote from Foner’s review is featured on the cover of the anniversary edition: “Historians may well view it,” writes Foner, “as a step toward a coherent new vision of American history.” This makes a kind of sense because Foner himself is an unreconstructed leftist, whose judgments are evidently colored by his “social aims” as well. Other contents include an essay by Karl Ove Knausgaard (presented as a removable book); 100 frames >>more Pbk, 9 x 11.5 in. / 254 pgs / 350 color / 10 b&w.

Pages: 211

Publisher: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (July 1, 1997)

ISBN: 3631317891

Hegel's impact on philosophers and aestheticians who came after him was immense and, as in the case of Kant, Habib gives a careful, detailed account of Hegel's complex philosophical system and its influence. After lengthy discussions of Kant and Hegel, Habib devotes chapters to the discussion of Romanticism on the European continent and in England and America, Realism and Naturalism, Symbolism and Aestheticism, a group he calls "The Heterological Thinkers" that includes Schopenhauer, Bergson, Nietzsche, and Arnold who generally elevated the claims of emotion over the force of reason http://www.theextramileadventure.org/ebooks/death-of-a-thin-skinned-animal. Implicitly, the Darwinian Theory accepts the randomness of genetic modifications, hence the generally used name of "random mutations", denying the existence of a real driving force of evolution without any scientific proof on this matter, when logic appears to indicate the contrary , source: read book. The social component is an early postexilic power struggle between a defeated “visionary” faction of disciples of Deutero-Isaiah and a victorious “hierocratic” or priestly faction of Zadokites. Ezekiel, Haggai-Zechariah, and Chronicles are products of the hierocratic faction, while the apocalyptic texts of Trito-Isaiah and Deutero-Zechariah are the products of the visionary faction download pdf.
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