Friendship 7: The Epic Orbital Flight of John H. Glenn, Jr.

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B., 195 Moon, as radio reflector, 25, 55, 109 eclipse of, 13 impact of Lunik II, 113 landing on, 122 maps of, 126, 130, 132 "Moon rocket," 25 Moonwatch, 128 Moore, Charles B., 63, 115, 163 Moore, J. Boss, Carnegie Institution for Science; NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA is busy gathering data for proposed flagship astronomy missions that will be included on the 2020 Decadal Survey for astronomy research, a panel of experts told guests at AIAA’s Space 2015 Forum in Pasadena, CA.

Pages: 275

Publisher: Springer; 2015 edition (April 7, 2015)


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