History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria

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The civil war in Syria with its attendant disintegration is having its predictable and malign effect. There are also more subtle terrain, such as the mountanous regions and the landscaped flat terrain, which suits animals like gazelle, deer, and antelope. The Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites resides in Bkerke, Lebanon. Fruit vegetables include marrow or squash, tomato, and eggplant. Carole Hillenbrand in The Crusades: an Islamic Perspective, points out that during the Crusades there was a close correlation between the rise of works extolling the virtues of Jerusalem and the works extolling Jihad.

Pages: 462

Publisher: Nabu Press (August 25, 2011)

ISBN: 117848890X

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