IUTAM Symposium on Progress in the Theory and Numerics of

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Allowing a website to create a cookie does not give that or any other site access to the rest of your computer, and only the site that created the cookie can read it. After he completed his PhD, Roberto joined the Bokor Group at UC Berkeley in March 2016. Interesting reading experience considering that I have actually had a look at Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots: Theoretical and Computational Physics of Semiconductor Nanostructures a number of times.

Pages: 271

Publisher: Springer; 2009 edition (August 17, 2009)

ISBN: 9048134463

Theoretically we are strong in both analytical and computational methods of describing the physics of magnetic materials as well as the physics of waves and oscillations in general, including non-linear waves, solitons, wave instabilities and chaos. 8 September 2016: Congratulations to Manu for his first paper as first author, published today in Physical Review B Rapid Communications: "Electrical measurement of magnetic-field-impeded polarity switching of a ferromagnetic vortex core" 1 September 2016: Welcome to Shyam Balaji who will be carrying out some theoretical research with Mikhail for the next few months! 1 September 2016: Welcome to Emmanouil Raptakis who is joining our group as an undergraduate research group member! 12 July 2016: Welcome to Rihan Hai from Nanjing University who is working in our group for the next 8 weeks. 7 January 2016: Mikhail's paper, "Coupling of microwave magnetic dynamics in thin ferromagnetic films to stripline transducers in the geometry of the broadband stripline ferromagnetic resonance" appears in the Journal of Applied Physics. 15 December 2015: Welcome to Matthew Nguyen who will be doing some research with us over the summer break. 1 December 2015: Welcome to Aaron Hurst, a Pawsey Supercomputing Intern who will work with us over summer. 22 October 2015: Release of the book "Magnetism of Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanoscale Materials, 1st Edition", containing a chapter on "Domain Wall Motion in Nanostructures" by Sampaio, Grollier and Metaxas. 21 September 2015: Honours and Masters projects for 2016 are available here in the "Spintronics and Magnetisation Dynamics" folder , e.g. download pdf.
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