Love of My Heart

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Will she be able to consolidate her rational, modern-day attitude with her heart’s yearning for a man from the past? I fell in love with Harry because he started out as a hapless and frequently luckless wizard in my favorite former hometown, Chicago. Summary: Broken and angry after losing Sirius fifth year, Harry recklessly puts himself in harms way, dragging Hermione along for the ride. The following novels come highly recommended for a "far out and away" trip to anywhere. Things get more challenging when Pat meets Tiffany, a mysterious girl with problems of her own.

Pages: 164


Despite bad first impressions, Bridgewater warms to Panna. She is thrown into a whirlwind of high-stakes intrigue that sweeps her from Hadrian’s Wall to a forbidding stone castle in Scotland. Written in her signature style—described as delightfully original, fun, and sexy—RITA Award-winning author Gwyn Cready produces yet another lightning-paced, delectable winner of a time-travel romance—a genre she has quickly come to master. “Thrill ride of a time travel romance, a genre Gwyn Cready has quickly come to master” — Saph’s Steamy Books If you’d like a printable list of all Gwyn Cready’s books, click here And if they do, will Claire go back to him? To be honest, it would be easier to describe what doesn’t happen than what does. The story moves from the […] “I heard the drums long before they came in sight. The beating echoed in the pit of my stomach, as though I too were hollow… it was a hot day, even for Charleston in June El-Hazard: The Magnificent World has Ifurita getting sent back in time thousands of years and taking The Slow Path to get back to the main character Makoto, so he could go meet her for the first time. Eventually Makoto finds out how to Time Travel to her right after that point, and they're reunited While in the past he falls in love with Julia, although she doesn't immediately reciprocate his feelings. Their sweet relationship has many memorable moments, but none as fun as the scenes of 1882 Julia experiencing 1970 NYC. David Gerrold's The Man Who Folded himself gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "self love."
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