Mormonism: A major cult

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The Marks of a Cult: A Biblical Analysis (DVD). Does your religion provide prophets among your people? A riveting, deeply affecting true story of one girl’s coming-of-age in a polygamist family. One of the primary progressive tenets is the "Ethic of Reciprocity" -- that how we treat other people is more important than the specifics of what we believe about God, humanity, and the rest of the universe. It prescribes spiritual food for everybody, according to his qualification and growth.

Pages: 67

Publisher: Baptist Mid-Missions (1982)

ISBN: B0006YS9G2

That sounds EXACTLY like Christianity was. The fact you avoid it like the plague shows your true colors. You have no real basis for Mormonism to be a cult, save the fact that you, with all of your being, At 10/8/11 11:38 PM, Hybridization wrote: I agree that theoretically a cult does not have to be harmful, but I have yet to find one that is not For a non-direct answer, see this post about essential Christian doctrine: I’ll try and see if I can find a place on the internet that does as fine a job as Dr McDowell rightfully questions such a belief. And he contrasts it with the "overwhelming reality" of Christian belief. However, no members of other religions, nor any atheists I know, hold a belief in miraculous tomatoes To be a good Christian, one must have virtues. A virtue helps one “do the good”, and by doing the good one gets closer to heaven. Aeneas is a virtuous person.... [tags: christian spirit, tertullian, troy] How Jesus' Teaching on the Sabbath would Affect the Lives of Christians Today - How Jesus' Teaching on the Sabbath would Affect the Lives of Christians Today In this essay, I will be discussing how Jesus’ teachings on the Sabbath have affected Christians today click book.
based on my analyzing of background, the doctrine of the Trinity as taught this day (including the concept that of an immaterial Godhead, one in substance, bodiless) used to be formulated in councils of fellows amid sizzling debate a long time after Christ and the apostles. The doctrine of the Trinity is outlined in numerous creeds and statements akin to the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and, for example of a newer formula from 1646, the Westminster Confession of religion (background supplied at Wikipedia's article at the Westminster Confession of religion ) A multiplicity of denominations doesn’t indicate an issue. It easily indicates contract at the essentials and disagreements on non-essentials ref.: Heritage of Faith: Talks Selected from the BYU Women's Conferences. The association additionally publishes a part dozen magazines, together with solidarity, day-by-day notice, and growth, in addition to loads of sectarian books and pamphlets , source: Tithing and Fast Offerings (Missionary Pamphlets). Or the doctrine of Jesus Christ being the "spirit brother" of Lucifer? Or the doctrines that males can develop into gods and that God the daddy has a god above him, who has a god above him, advert infinitum learn Clergy girls: An Uphill Calling, via Barbara Brown Zikmund, Adair Lummis, and Patricia Mei Yin Chang, (Westminster John Knox Press, 1998) or see This version proven a number of the Lutheran theological and criminal reforms, yet solid them in a brand new ensemble , e.g. read book.
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