PRACTICAL PASTORING: Mentoring Growth (Letters from a Senior

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The Feminist Movement Promotes Roles for Women as Church Leaders. The saving and nurturing of souls is serious business. Something I said to them and I say at every conference I speak at, is to not be afraid of having your video screens go to black and then say something like, “Close your eyes and listen as I read this story.” or “Close your eyes and listen as I read this passage of Scripture.” The honest truth is too many communicators rely too much on tech; they’re lazy in their preparation and it shows.

Pages: 55

Publisher: 1 Gypsy Press, pllc; Book 5


Ministers, overseers, elders, bishops, administrators, deacons and all others are very important in the body of Christ; they are all parts of the body of Christ. Without this God’s church leadership, since God’s spirit flows through a structure within a congregation, the spirit and grace of God departs from the church, and a church finds herself struggling Effective managers direct operations by implementing the support mechanisms that allow the congregation to move forward in fulfilling their ministry goals. In addition, effective managers develop the organization by setting in motion all the people skills, including competencies, roles, responsibilities, and task definitions, which the congregation needs to perform its ministry They have been married and growing and ministering together in the Lord for 21 wonderful years. The Lord impressed a burden for God-honoring marriage and family onto Scott’s heart while he and Teresa were serving in a children’s ministry at a previous church , source: The local church should properly care for those who are specially gifted in teaching and spend the time to do so. Let us be clear about the fact that it is the spiritual giftedness of the elders that causes the church to grow and prosper spiritually, not just the eldership form of government per se. Source: BIBLICAL ELDERSHIP Restoring the Eldership to Its Rightful Place in the Church (pdf) NOTE: This excerpt is from an abridgment of Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Eldership by Alexander Strauch
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