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The following two outlines of focus group questions are taken from the Sexual Negotiations among Young Adults in the Era of AIDS research study. Join the thousands of other happy Music123 customers and receive expert advice from our friendly and knowledgeable staff. Whether you want to use this as six monosynths, a six-voice polysynth, or anything in-between is up to you: MIDI channels/keyboard range/patches/voices are distinct concepts, allowing complex layered, split, multitimbral setups.

Pages: 36

Publisher: GS LIBRARY 5; 1 edition (November 1, 1986)

ISBN: 0793551323

More kids choose to play the violin than any other instrument in String Project. It can be nice to have many friends who also play your instrument, but sometimes it can be hard to be in such a big crowd. The viola looks a lot like the violin, and like the violin, it sits on your shoulder. However, a viola has a deeper, lower sound. This instrument has a long history and a beautiful sound In 1997 Alternative Tuning Projects undertook a pilot feasibility study funded by the Arts Council of England to establish a Centre in the UK for new acoustic musical instruments - particularly new or adapted versions of orchestral instruments for alternative tuning systems ref.: In the poem Ben chantar far, al gent temps de pascor, by Albert de Sestairon, himself a minstrel ("The tunes were good, but the words were not worth much," says his vida) (10) we find the following injunction to Peirol, another troubador-minstrel with thirty-two surviving works to his credit (11): Peirol, play your viola and sing delicately the words and the lilting melody of my song Read more: As Rosetta’s miniature UV Imaging Spectrograph, ALICE will help us determine where comet C-G came from, what it is made of, and how its nucleus, coma, and tails interact. Read more: For the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission, NASA provided part of the electronics package for an instrument called the Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer, which is part of the Swiss-built Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) instrument read here.
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