Seal Wars: 25 Years on the Front Lines with the Harp Seals

Format: Hardcover

Language: English

Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub

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Knowing how unprepared was the seat of government for defense, he instantly ordered the public papers and records in his department to be removed and placed in some safe spot, which was accordingly done by Mr. He was the Joint Secretary for Foreign Affairs on the SWAPO National Executive within Namibia from 1981 until 1989. Residence: “Bardwold,” 30 acres between Merion railroad station and Bowman Ave. These factors converged to keep the country in near-feudal conditions until the early 1970s, when word of the achievements in the newly democratic nations of Africa began to filter in.

Pages: 248

Publisher: Key Porter; First Edition edition (2002)

ISBN: 1552635104

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