Tablets of the Heart: Stories of Faith & Forgiveness

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Language: English

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It takes some amount of determination to apply this solution. Not only that, she can also show you how it can be a profound personal journey for you, the writer. Share them only with people you feel comfortable with. There is a quiet sub-theme in this movie that timing is of utmost importance. Hypnosis is, however, a time proven tool that helps you achieve your goals in life. Jason Aronson, Lindsey Porambo, Assistant Acquisitions Editor for Judaica, a division of Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham Editorial, 4501 Forbes Boulevard #200, Lanham MD 20706; 301-459-3366, ext. 5321; Fax: 301-429-5748.

Pages: 116

Publisher: Trafford Publishing (May 16, 2008)

ISBN: 1425144012

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