Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria, and across the desert

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The Iraqi government had an army with 350,000 soldiers on which $41.6bn (£25bn) had been spent in the three years from 2011, but this force melted away without significant resistance. Rebel forces hold most of Daraa province, but the provincial capital is largely controlled by the government. The TAF,… with a combined troop strength of around 1,041,900 soldiers is the second largest standing force in NATO (after the United States) NATO officials also state that the modern day Turkish Armed Forces are "very experienced and very well-trained".

Pages: 428

Publisher: BiblioBazaar (November 18, 2009)

ISBN: 1117002047

In the Arabian peninsula, a third Saudi kingdom has appeared, and this time it will endure. Two further developments which will have a dramatic impact on the coming decades in the region are the arrival of Jews in increasing numbers in Palestine, from the 1880s onwards, and the discovery of oil in Arabia, in 1901. The decades since 1914 have been ones of great change for the Middle East , cited: Yet the problems of Middle Eastern women remain acute. Islamic, Christian, and Jewish jurists and theologians—all of them males—have provided Middle Eastern society with the most exclusivist and conservative interpretations of religious laws, which have burdened women in the family, the society, and the state Over the following 15 years of civil war, Syria fought for control over Lebanon, and attempted to stop Israel from taking over in southern Lebanon, through extensive use of proxy militias. Syria then remained in Lebanon until 2005. In the late 1970s, an Islamist uprising by the Muslim Brotherhood was aimed against the government read book. The ongoing battle between Russia's South Stream and the Washington-backed Nabucco is intensely geopolitical , e.g. Syria from the Saddle. So let's anxiously wait for a hushed R2P ('responsibility to protect') resolution ordering NATO to establish a no-fly zone over every House of Saud prince across the world ref.: click for free.
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