Twilight in Babylon

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Not only is the story romantic, but also intriguing as life in the Amish world is revealed. But we didn’t sleep together,” she offered, as if that would faze them. It’s two and a half hours long, and would have been a better movie if it had been tightened up. Karnezis, who moved from Greece to England 16 years ago, manages in these stories to skewer his homeland's inhabitants with a light touch. "He depicts the intricately and hilariously knitted world of a small Greek village so well," says Marisa Silver, "that it makes me want to find such a village and spend time there, meeting the priest and the doctor, the town whore and the barber" (Picador, $14).

Pages: 483

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing (March 5, 2013)


I'll look out for Kage Baker - thanks for the recommendadtion. The protagonist is a travel guide for time tourists, mainly set during the Byzantine period around Constantinople. This thread is keeping my fascination with time travel well lubricated. I have recently finished Singularity Sky, hard SF and space warfare, futuristic etc download. It's not a great literary work but fun if you like Jane Austen and time travel ref.: Breath of Magic. They walked past the large pinto and knelt beside the travois. The Indian continued to talk and gesture with his hands. Lucky turned in his saddle and glared back at Laura. “Confound it, Laurie, get back to the wagon,” he said under his breath through clenched teeth. “Why?” Laura demanded, her eyes boldly meeting his. “They don’t look dangerous,” she whispered I have a little nook I have my desk at and write at. I generally plot but I'm not married to it Thus most of the novel takes place in Blackdown’s original time, and only at the very end do we learn where, and when, Julia is really from. As a longtime romance reader I also very much appreciated that the time traveling hero was not a hunky medieval Scotsman, much as I appreciate a man in a kilt. In spite of the comedic restraint, however, there are some hilarious moments when Nick’s devotion to pop culture gets the better of Blackdown and I found myself chortling madly when he and a fellow traveler serenade Julia, on the run in a tumbledown barn in 1815, with Islands in the Stream, complete with fist-up pretend microphones ref.:
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