Vincent Persichetti: A Bio-Bibliography (Bio-Bibliographies

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Music publishers in New York City before 1850: a directory. Lanham, MD: Scaecrow Press, 1996. 311 pp. (Muesum Ref/PM108/S56/1996) Markworth, Ni Lois. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. 1932. 22p. 3973 Library. A checklist of United States newspapers (and weeklies before 1900) in the general library. List of doctoral dissertations in history now in progress at universities in the United States and the Dominion of Canada, with an appendix of other research projects in history now in progress in the United States and in Canada, December 1939, December 1940.

Pages: 352

Publisher: Greenwood; annotated edition edition (October 19, 1988)

ISBN: 031325334X

IEEE Xplore provides Web access to more than 3-million full-text documents from some of the world's most highly cited publications in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. The content in IEEE Xplore comprises over 160 journals, over 1,200 conference proceedings, more than 3,800 technical standards, over 1,000 eBooks and over 300 educational courses , source: May 16, 1914. 4p. typ. 3661 A selected list of references on municipal government in the United States , e.g. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1985. xiv, 428 p. FILM, TELEVISION, AND VIDEO PERIODICALS: A COMPREHENSIVE ANNOTATED. New York: Garland Publ, 1991. 431 p. (Clemons Z 5784 ref.: Oct. 3, 1939. 40p. mim. 4000a Selected list of references on American national defense. June 16, 1936. 18p. typ. 4001 Selected list of references on military pensions and bounties of the United States , source: You can see your friends' pages, and they can see yours. Or you can find new friends with similar interests. Good Reads - Track what you've read, see what your friends are reading, get recommendations LibraryThing - Catalog your book collection or your reading, check out catalogs of those with similar libraries to yours Shelfari - List your books, see what others are reading WeRead - Enter the books you like and get recommendations for others you might like , e.g.
Cartography and bounds of the center colonies. Narra- tive and significant heritage of the US. the hot England primer; a background of its foundation and devel- opment, with a reprint of the original reproduction of the earliest recognized edition Grolier membership. 1894. p.cliii-clviii 6845 Jewett, Alice Louise. legitimate courses of the kingdom of recent York in relation to its historical past as colony and nation. manhattan nation Li- brary institution classification of 1914. kingdom Lib. bibliog. bul. fifty nine. 62p. (Also in new york. nation Lib. 99th an- nual rep.) 6846 Legislative Index Publishing Company Catalogue of the library belonging to Thomas W. Indians of North the USA; a listing of books for children , source: Gödden, Walter, and Iris Nölle-Hornkamp, in cooperation with Henrike Gundlach (comps. and eds.). Westfälischen Autorenlexikon: Im Auftrag des Landschaftsverbandes Westfalen-Lippe. Pp. 488; illus. [Biographical-bibliographical entries on authors local to or purely dwelling briefly in Westphalia, corresponding to Johann Georg Hamann, Justus Möser, and Friedrich Leopold Stolberg-Stolberg and plenty of minor authors; noting letters and diaries in addition to innovative literature and with the exception of "Fachliterature" as works of politics and medicine.] Goldberg, Rochelle (comp.) click book. consultant TO THESES AND DISSERTATIONS: a world Bibliography of Bibliographies. most recent and entire advisor to be had. association is via wide topic category , cited: download for free. Bibliography of yank literary first versions. (In development; meant to exchange Foley's American authors) 4780 American Library organization. A." index; an index to basic literature, bio- graphical, old and literary essays and sketches , cited:
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