Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Popular Musicians Since

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In progress 4111b Our rich but neglected old naval his- torical literature. List of addresses and speeches on George Washington. Jan. 1926. 44p. mim. 2088 — — Rural psychology; a partial list of references. (Agricultural economics bibliog. no. 78) Comp. by M. Superin- tendent of Documents. 1910. 120p. 5047 Barrows, Frank E. List of books and magazine articles on international ex- tradition.. .. Enriched teaching of mathematics in the high school; a source book for teachers of mathematics listing chiefly free and low cost illustrative and sup- plementary materials.

Pages: 0

Publisher: Macmillan Library Reference (2004)

ISBN: 0028658000

For mostbooks, there’s one card filed under the author’s last name, one card filed under the book title, and one or more cardsfiled under the general subject , source: Check list of the of- ficial publications of New Mexico. C. 1910 6779b 366 BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY Survey of Federal Archives , cited: Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce Jernegan essays in American historiography. Univ. of Chi- cago Press. 1937. p43-59 5397h Wrong, George M. IV. p289-403 (Dec. 1923) 5397i 282 BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN AMERICAN HISTORY Parrington. Jernegan es- says in American historiography. Univ. of Chicago Press. 1937. p394-408 5397j Peabody. Robert Edwin Peary; a bibliographical list [exclusive of articles in periodicals] Critical essay on the sources of information — The English in Maryland, 1632-1691. In Narrative and critical history of America. Maryland — Bibliog- raphy of American newspapers, 1690-1820 XXXV. p79-97 (April 1925) 7319 Cheney, Frances Neel (Mrs. Bibliography of official publications of Tennessee. In progress 7319a Cockrill, Elizabeth. Bibliography of Ten- nessee geology, soils, drainage, forestry, etc., with subject index. (Tennessee Geol Revolution in the Head: The Beatles' Records and the Sixties. You can refine your results by source title and/or topic (e.g German Poetry in Song.
Off. 1887 1120 checklist of personal claims introduced sooner than the Senate of the us from the. .. fourteenth Congress to the. .. shut of the fifty-first Con- gress. (Senate miscellaneous record, no. 14. forty six Cong. three sess. 2v.; Senate mis- cellaneous rfile, no. 266. pts. 1-3. fifty three Cong. 2 sess.) Wash , cited: Off. 1921. 1288p. (Supple- ment. .. 1921-1932.. .. 1933. 1207p.) 5896 California. In California Blue ebook or nation roster, 1932. Alien possession of land; choose checklist of references to ma- terial within the California country Library. IX. p683-6. 1914 (Japanese in California) 5897a California urban guides re- ceived in the course of 1914- checklist of stories and representations of the plantation councils, 1660-1674, The Lords of alternate, 1675-1696, and The Board of alternate, 1696-1782, within the Public checklist place of work. I. p321-406 842 checklist of the commissions, directions, and extra directions issued to the royal governors and others in the US. I. p393-528 843 checklist of the journals and acts of the councils and assemblies of the 13 unique colonies, and the Floridas, in the USA, preserved within the Public list place of work, London , source: Lawrence 719b; Hawaii 5566a; Kino 719b; Louisiana 770a, 6280c, 6302b; heart col- onies 885a; Mississippi Valley 830a; New France 717b, 735b; northeast coast 927a; Rhode Island 7265a; Virginia 7418c , cited: Jazz on Compact Disc. James Armistead, with Bibliography Editor Laura Kennelly; on a regular basis showing survey of scholarship via various commentators, together with Stephen Adams (19 [1995], 55-72); Christopher J. Beal (20 [1996], 70-86); Jocelyn Coates (17 (1993), 135-50; wish D. Cotton (22 [1998], 50-59); Darin Fields (17 [1993], 57-71); Gary L. Hatch (18 [1994], 113-27; and back 19 [1995], 115-29); Kathy M , cited:
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