Swords at Sunset: Last Stand of North America's Grail

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Language: English

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They were wrong, it was much worse, Jimmy was alive. - - Witness says abducted children--23 now dead--abused by 20-30 pedophile members of congress at child sex parties held at Embassy Row mansion where Secret Service-secured presidential limo was seen parked outside. - - Luciferian Talk Radio has a new home and voice on the Internet. These sites were designated in opposite sources of enormous telepathic ability, directly linked to mysterious alien intelligences. This contact between God and mankind through nature is enforced through ebbo, sacrifice, for the purpose of receiving ashe, power." (4) The fundamental basis of Santeria is a personal relationship with the orishas that will bring the believers happiness, success and wisdom.

Pages: 240

Publisher: Manor House Publishing Inc.; 1 edition (October 30, 2005)

ISBN: 0973647744

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